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Medicine bear by Lynn Quam SOLD

Inlaid bear by Jayne Quam SOLD

Eagle by Burt Awelagte SOLD

Bushytail by Rodney Laiwakete

Medicine bear by Stewart Quandelacy SOLD

Traditional lady by Todd Poncho

Medicine Bear by Stewart Quandelacy SOLD

Medicine Bear by Todd Westika SOLD

Frog by Waldo Davis

Owl by Fred Leekya

Pueblo maiden by Gabe Sice

Corn grinder by Claudia Peina SOLD

Raven by Steven Natachu SOLD

Small horses by Marilyn Quam

Standing Bear by Burt Awelagte

Medicine Bear Pair by Farlan and Paulette Quam

Horse by Leland Boone and Daphne Quam

Snake by Farlan and Paulette Quam

Mt Lion/Wild cat by Lance Cheama

Large Medicine Bear by Farlan and Paulette Quam

Hunter Bear by Farlan and Paulette Quam

Large Medicine Bear Pair by Farlan and Paulette Quam

Hunter Bear by Farlan and Paulette Quam

Bear pair